Nicola Peltz Beckham Shares Devastating News About Chihuahua Nala
The actor and her husband Brooklyn Beckham have expressed their “heartbreak” following the passing of their Chihuahua Nala

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Nicola Peltz Beckham has shared the devastating news that her rescue dog Nala has passed away unexpectedly.
The actor, who also recently lost her grandmother, posted on Instagram, “This has been the hardest month of my life. I can’t even find the words to describe my heartbreak on so many levels.”
Nicola, a huge dog lover and advocate (she owns a shelter in Los Angeles opens in a new tabthat rescues pups from euthanasia lists) says that Nala passed away after a trip to the groomers. She writes: “Nala was perfectly healthy when she went to the groomers yesterday but came out hyperventilating and couldn’t catch her breath. We rushed her to the vet and she passed hours later. I’m sharing this in hopes that it might prevent this from happening to other dogs. Her life was taken away from her way too soon.”
Her husband, Brooklyn Peltz Beckham, later issued a follow-up postopens in a new tab, echoing his wife’s grief. “Dear Nala, we miss you so much. You were unexpectedly taken from way us [sic] too soon and hope others don’t experience a loss after something as simple as a grooming.”
He shared a picture of himself hugging Nala and the couple’s other dog, Lamb. “You were the cutest little baby girl and we will always think of you,” he continued. “We know you are looking and barking.”
No details have been shared confirming Nala’s cause of death and the groomer themselves have not been named, so whilst speculation is rife in the comments of the posts, it’s important not to draw conclusions about what happened just yet.
That being said, if the news has left your concerned about your own groomers, it’s never a bad idea to check in with yourself about how comfortable you are.
Speaking to your vet for a recommendation should be your first port of call when choosing a groomer, followed by recommendations from family and friends that you trust with their dogs.
The UK doesn’t require dog groomers to hold qualifications, however the RSPCA recommends that you use those who doopens in a new tab. The most recognised qualification route in the UK is the City and Guilds qualifications. You can absolutely ask your groomer to show you any certificates.
In the US, there are no federal laws opens in a new tab that require dog grooming licenses. In the UK, another good sign is that your groomer belongs to a trade organisation, such as the British Dog Groomers Association (BDGA) – part of the Pet Industry Federationopens in a new tab (PIF). Groomers who are members will have had to pass written and practical tests in order to operate under the organisation.
“Groomers should know about important topics such as safety procedures, health and hygiene practices, how to handle pesticides, the anatomy of the dog, proper handling techniques, information about monitoring animal behaviour and first aid.” Advise the RSPCA. “A discussion with them should help you be sure that they are capable.”
Here are some other things to look out for:
Does the salon feel clean, welcoming and secure? “It should be a place where you are comfortable leaving your pet,” say the RSPCA. Wee and poo smells should be dealbreakers.
What equipment do they use? The RSPCA doesn’t advocate the use of drying boxesopens in a new tab, for instance. “In such boxes, there is the potential for temperatures to rise quickly to unacceptable levels for a dog and, coupled with the potential stress of the animal, would make body temperatures rise even faster, resulting in extremely dangerous conditions for the dog.”
Is your groomer open to having a conversation about your dog’s individual needs? Such as: if your dog is nervous, does the groomer know how to recognise the signs of stress and confidently know how to respond? If your dog has sensitive skin, are the groomers used to treating the condition? The groomer’s willingness to have an open conversation about any special requirements you or your dog may have will speak volumes.
Does the groomers have insurance? How about references?
Do the groomers require confirmation that your dog is up-to-date on their vaccinations?
Can you tour the facility before your dog’s appointment?
Do the groomers have experience grooming your dog’s specific breed and personality?
Are their prices realistic? “Though £10 may sound like a bargain for a grooming session, does it reflect the quality of the service that is being provided? Are you happy that your pet will be well looked after?” say the RSPCA.
The main thing is that both you and your dog feel comfortable. Use your intuition about a place and, if something doesn't feel right, feel free to walk away, you don't need to give a reason. After all, advocating for your dog is the only thing that really matters.

Jess Commons
Jess is a writer, editor and former global lifestyle director at Refinery29 with previous stints at ITV, Grazia, The Debrief (RIP) and more. She is a sucker for an older gentleman cat with A Past and spends most of her time being told what to do by her toddler and her three-legged rescue cat, Mac.
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