When, Exactly, Should You Vaccinate Your Puppy?
If it’s time for their jabs, follow this guide

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As a kid – OK, as an adult pre-pandemic – it’s unlikely you ever looked forward to getting a jab. And as pet parents, there’s a whole new kind of needle anxiety: when it comes to vaccinating our pups, where are we supposed to start? The process of scheduling more than a handful of puppy vaccines can be dizzying. Fear not: we’ll explain everything.
Types of dog vaccines
The first thing to know is that your dog’s shots are split into two groups: core and non-core vaccines. Your vet can personalise a vaccination protocol for your dog based on their age, lifestyle and risk of contracting various diseases in the places where they spend time.

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opens in a new tabCore vaccines
If you’re wondering which dog vaccines are absolutely necessary, core vaccines are the group you’re looking for. Core vaccines are recommended for all dogs and are named as such because they prevent the most common and dangerous diseases. If all dogs get them (as they should) it can lead to herd immunity.
Non-core vaccines
Non-core vaccines are not recommended for all dogs. They protect against diseases that are less common or that are only a risk for dogs that are exposed to certain environments or activities.
Core vaccines
These core combination vaccines are vital to kick-starting your puppy’s immune system to make antibodies for all of these pathogens: distemper, adenovirus 2, hepatitis, parvovirusopens in a new tab and parainfluenza.
This infection is caused by bacteria that can be transmitted through the urine of an infected animal (usually rats), either by direct contact or contact with contaminated soil or water. It wreaks havoc on dogs’ kidneys and liver and can be fatal in severe cases. Some vets offer a DHLPP combo vaccine, which is DHPP plus lepto.
Non-core vaccines
The Bordetella pathogen is the most common cause of kennel coughopens in a new tab, which is super contagious. It’s also pretty easily treated with antibiotics, but if your dog hangs out at parks popular with dogs or doggie daycare on the regular, it’s wise to get them covered with this vaccine. In fact, most kennels require it if your pup will be boarding there day or night. This one runs its course in six months, so stay up to date with the boosters.
This is only recommended if your dog travels abroad as the UK is currently rabies-free.
Puppy vaccine schedule
At this point, you may be thinking that the process is basically as clear as mud. Knowing what vaccines are out there is only the beginning; you also need to know when to vaccinate puppies. If you’re a new puppy parent, clear your calendar. It’s recommended that puppies begin their puppy schedule of shots at eight weeks old, then are boosted every three to four weeks. Of course, you can’t always know a rescue pup’s birthdate, but your vet can estimate their age. Here’s what a schedule typically looks like:
Eight weeks
At eight weeks, your puppy will receive the first dose of DA2PP and Bordetella (if it’s recommended).
12 weeks
At 12 weeks, it’s time for a second dose of DA2PP and a Bordetella booster (again, if it’s recommended). Some puppies will need a third injection in their primary course which would happen three to four weeks later again.
How much do puppy shots cost?
How much pup vaccination costs depends on your veterinarian’s specific rates, but puppy’s first vaccines are usually £40 to £70. Some vets offer vaccine packages, which lower the cost per shot. If you need assistance paying for your pup’s healthcare, several organisationsopens in a new tab exist that can help. It’s worth asking your local animal rescue centre if they offer free or low-cost vaccination services, too.
Adult dog vaccine and booster schedule
After the 12-16 week mark, your puppy should be all set until they’re one year old; afterwards, they’ll need the following boosters: DA2PP annually, Bordetella every six months (if recommended), Lepto and/or Lyme (if recommended) annually. It’s important to keep in mind that this is a standard vaccine schedule, but your vet may tailor it to your dog’s unique situation and adjust it as they age (ie, senior dogs or dogs with health issues should skip certain vaccines).
Vaccine schedules for adult rescue dogs
If you’ve adopted an adult dog, first of all, that’s amazing. Many adult rescue dogs don’t come with a convenient vaccination history though. In this case, it’s pretty safe to stick with DA2PP, lepto and whichever non-core options your vet recommends (excluding ill or exceptionally elderly dogs). Alternatively, you can opt for a titre testingopens in a new tab, a blood test that measures antibodies and determines if your dog is already immune.
What are the adverse reactions caused by vaccines in dogs?
It’s common for pets to have some side effects after vaccination. These side effects shouldn’t last for more than two days or cause extreme discomfort; if either of those things are true, your pup should go back to the vet ASAP.
Pain or swelling at the injection site
Pain and swelling at the injection site is very common. Avoid applying pressure to the area where your pup got their shot, and let them rest up as much as they can. Firm swelling under the injection site may last longer than a few days: you should contact your vet if it lasts longer than three weeks or is growing larger.
Mild fever
Your pup also may have a mild fever. Dogs run warmer than humans: a fever for a dog is any temperature above 41C.
Lethargy, including a decreased appetite, is another common symptom. Your pup may get a few more naps in than usualopens in a new tab, have a decreased appetiteopens in a new tab or seem depressed.
What should I do if my dog misses a vaccine?
If your dog misses a vaccine booster, you should contact your veterinarian right away. They can help you determine the best way to get on track. If your pup is only a few weeks late, they may be able to get the booster without a problem. If months or years have passed, your pup will likely have to restart the vaccination course to be sure they are fully protected. For viral diseases, your vet may be able to measure your dog’s antibody levels through a blood test and determine how protected they are.
Figuring out a schedule for puppy shots can seem intimidating, but it’s nothing to worry about. Your puppy or adult rescue dog will get their core vaccines and relevant non-core vaccines, and then they’ll be safe to hang out safely with all their new pup friends at the park.
That said, before you pop a lead on your pup, you should avoid taking your dog to parks or other areas where they may be exposed to other dogs for a few days after vaccination. Keep your dog away from other animals like cats and rodents, too. And though allergic reactions to vaccines are rare, they’re important to keep an eye out for. If your pup experiences itchy skin and hives; persistent vomitingopens in a new tab or diarrhoeaopens in a new tab; swelling around the face, neck and eyes or difficulty breathing, take them to the vet right away.
Frequently asked questions
How often should my dog receive vaccinations?
It’s recommended that puppies begin their puppy schedule of vaccines at eight weeks old, then are boosted every three to four weeks. After the puppy schedule, your dog should be vaccinated annually or according to your vet’s instructions.
How much does it cost to vaccinate a dog?
How much pup vaccination costs depends on your veterinarian’s specific rates, but it’s safe to assume you will spend about £40 to £70 for each jab.
What should I do if my dog misses a vaccine?
Contact your vet right away – they can help you determine the best way to get on track. Depending on how much time has passed between vaccinations, your pup may have to restart their vaccination schedule or continue with boosters as planned.
What are the adverse reactions caused by vaccines in dogs?
Dogs can experience pain or swelling at the injection site, mild fever or lethargy.
How many rounds of shots do puppies need?
Puppies need two to three rounds of vaccines in their first year. They can then be boosted on an annual schedule.

Oneal Bogan, DVM
Oneal Bogan, DVM, is a mixed animal veterinarian from Colorado. Dr. Bogan loves the variety of animals she gets to work with. She owns her own mobile practice which provides at-home care to large and small animals. Dr. Bogan also works at a local small animal clinic. In her free time, Dr. Bogan loves to hike, ride horses, and read. She also loves writing and hopes her advice helps all pets live a happy, healthy life.
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