What to Expect At Puppy Socialisation Classes
A dog behaviourist schools us on why puppy classes are more about socialising than getting straight As

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Adopting a puppy is often the first taste many people get of what it feels like to become a legit parent. You may experience a sharp, sudden urge to set your pup up for a lifetime of excellence – spending untold hours scouring pages of chew toy and dog walkeropens in a new tab reviews and (heaven help us all) puppy Reddit. But there’s one thing you can do for your puppy that will truly influence the kind of dog they become: puppy classes.
What are puppy classes?
You might be under the impression that a puppy class is about teaching your pup basic commands, but its goal is actually simpler – and arguably more important. It might be more apt to call these courses dog socialisation classes. “A puppy class is mainly for socialisation,” says Lauren Novack, a dog behaviour consultant at Behavior Vetsopens in a new tab in NYC. Not to stress you out, but “dogs have a very short socialisation period and what happens during this time will set the tone for how they see and interact with the world around them. That window usually closes for puppies at around 12–14 weeks of age.” It starts much earlier than that.

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opens in a new tabHow important is puppy socialisation?
“All of the experiences puppies have within their first 14 weeks of life make a permanent imprint on their brain about what’s safe and unsafe in the world,” explains Novack. “It’s critical that during this period the new experiences your puppy has are positive – you don’t just want them to tough it out on a noisy street; you want them to be curious about all the elements of it and confident about making good decisions.”
Why should I enrol my puppy in a class?
Socialisation is what a good puppy class can help with and it’s why the importance of puppy class really can’t be overstated. It sets up a careful rubric of experiences for your pet and teaches you how to read their body language so that you don’t overwhelm them. There may also be a brief – emphasis on brief – time for puppies to play together under supervision.
What should I look for in a puppy class?
This part is really important. “It would be better not to go to puppy class than to go to a bad one,” says Novack. “In that critical developmental period, it’s just as important to avoid bad experiences as it is to provide positive experiences. If you buy a puppy rather than adopting one, look for a reputable breeder who actively socialises their puppies until they pass them off to you. If you adopt a puppy from a shelter rather than a foster home, get them into a puppy class right away.” Trainers should be certified and have experience in puppy socialisation, adds Novack. One major red flag is if the trainers use any kind of punishment or aversion techniques. “That’s something you should run far, far away from.”
When is the best time to start puppy classes?
The RSPCA recommendsopens in a new tab that puppies start classes at 12 weeks old once they’re fully vaccinated.
How long does a typical puppy class last?
Schedules for puppy classes can vary. Some are once a week, while others are multiple times a week. Puppy class usually lasts around 6–10 weeks, but lengths vary depending on the programme.
What will my puppy learn in a puppy class?
For very young puppies, group puppy training is mostly focused on socialisation rather than trick training or obedience trainingopens in a new tab. Your puppy will learn valuable social skills, including bite inhibitionopens in a new tab, that will set them up for many happy and safe days at the dog park. Your pup may also have a chance to improve on everyday puppy skills like walking on a leadopens in a new tab and potty training.
And don’t be surprised to not see any puppies at your first class – a humans-only introduction gives the trainer a chance to train you on things like when to reinforce your puppy’s behaviour and how to understand their body language. Again, don’t expect to learn many obedience tricks in class. “Your pet can always learn skills,” says Novack. “But the opportunity for puppies to learn how to socialise without fear is brief – and it’s not a time you can get back.”
How to socialise a puppy
It’s helpful to get the guidance of a certified trainer if this is your first time attempting to socialise a dog, or even if it’s just your first time socialising a puppy with a unique temperament – like if they’re shyer or mouthier than your previous pets. But if an in-person puppy class isn’t in the cards, Novack recommends finding an online training course to give you a solid foundation.
A few guiding principles can help you at home. First, think about all of the things your dog will encounter over their lifetime: hairdryers; nail clippers; screeching tires; screeching kids; tall people; dogs of all shapes and sizes... the list goes on. You want to expose your puppy to as many of the things that will be part of their regular lives as possible. But not all at once. Aim for “small introductions, one at a time, making sure that your puppy feels calm and safe and happy”, says Novack. One other thing: don’t forget about your puppy’s feet. Give them the opportunity to walk on as many different surfaces as possible – tarmac, astroturf, grass, sand, cattle grids and so on.
Don’t force puppy socialisation
Not all puppies are going to approach every exposure with enthusiasm. That’s OK – and it’s important that you don’t force your dog into an experience they’re not ready for. “What you want to make sure of is that they’re willing to go outside, their body language is loose, and they’re doing it on their own,” says Novack. “If your dog is hesitant, break the task into smaller pieces.” For instance, if your puppy is nervous about going outside, see if they’re curious about just leaving your flat. Once, they’re comfortable with that, see if exploring the hallway interests them. If their body language is relaxed there, see if they’re curious about going in and out of the lift. Baby steps.
“Letting your puppy participate in the decision-making is key,” explains Novack. So is understanding that socialisation continues even after your formal sessions are over. The skills you learn in puppy class should be applied to every interaction your pup has with new stimuli. “Socialisation is happening 24/7.”
Frequently asked questions
What if my puppy misbehaves during class?
Don’t worry about your puppy being a little unprepared for puppy play class – by definition, all the class members will be newbies who are still learning. If your pup misbehaves, the class leader will be ready to settle and redirect your dog. Be sure to find a trainer who uses positive reinforcement training, since a dog should never be punished.
How do I find a reputable puppy class?
Ask some trusted sources where you can find a puppy class; you might start with your vet, dog walker, groomer, rescue centre or pet-parenting friends.
Can I bring my kids to the puppy class?
Whether or not kids are allowed at puppy groups depends on the programme. Some will encourage all family members to participate, while others will ask that kids under a certain age stay home.

Colleen Stinchcombe
Colleen Stinchcombe lives near Seattle, WA, where she works as a writer, editor, and content strategist. Her two rescue pups wish she were a professional ball-thrower.
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