Articles by Jodi Helmer

Jodi Helmer
Jodi Helmer is a North Carolina-based freelance writer who shares her home with an embarrassing number of rescue dogs and relies on four feral cats to patrol the barn. When she isn’t refilling food and water dishes, Jodi writes about animals for Scientific American, Sierra, WebMD, AKC Family Dog, Living the Country Life, and Out Here.
- nutrition | Can My Cat Eat This?
Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?
The sweet and salty treat is OK – in moderation
The sweet and salty treat is OK – in moderation
- health
How to Make Your Cat’s Oral Care as Stress-Free as Possible
Take things slow to figure out what works best for their pearly whites
Take things slow to figure out what works best for their pearly whites
- behaviour
What to Do When Your Cat Refuses to Use the Litter Box
A cat behaviourist explains why they’re so particular about where they pop a squat
A cat behaviourist explains why they’re so particular about where they pop a squat
- nutrition | Can My Cat Eat This?
Can Cats Eat Blueberries?
Go ahead and serve up the superfood – with a couple of caveats
Go ahead and serve up the superfood – with a couple of caveats
- nutrition | Can My Cat Eat This?
You Should Not Invite Your Cat to Your Fondue Party
Save the charcuterie board for the humans
Save the charcuterie board for the humans
- nutrition
Don’t Come For Us, But Is Your Cat Overweight?
We love a chonky cat, but here’s what you should know
We love a chonky cat, but here’s what you should know
- nutrition
9 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat
Sharing isn’t always caring. Keep your cat safe by keeping these human snack staples to yourself
Sharing isn’t always caring. Keep your cat safe by keeping these human snack staples to yourself
What to do when your cat hawks one up
Find out if your cat has seasonal depression, and how to combat it
- nutrition | Can My Cat Eat This?
Can Cats Eat Bananas?
Gwen Stefani taught us how to spell it, but can we feed it to our cats?
Gwen Stefani taught us how to spell it, but can we feed it to our cats?
- health
Doctor’s Orders: Cat Vet Visits Are Essential
Get thy cat to a vet, even if it’s a struggle to get them out the door
Get thy cat to a vet, even if it’s a struggle to get them out the door
- nutrition
10 Human Foods That Are Safe for Cats
Good news for your begging cat: some of your favourite snacks are safe to share
Good news for your begging cat: some of your favourite snacks are safe to share
- lifestyle
Should I Adopt a Bonded Pair?
Some besties are inseparable, and that’s not always a bad thing
Some besties are inseparable, and that’s not always a bad thing
- health
What Should I Know About FIV in Cats?
The most common questions about feline immunodeficiency virus, answered. Good news: most FIV positive cats live long, happy lives
The most common questions about feline immunodeficiency virus, answered. Good news: most FIV positive cats live long, happy lives
- behaviour
The Cat’s Meow – What Does it All Mean?
How to decode your cat’s love language when one meow has many meanings
How to decode your cat’s love language when one meow has many meanings
Hey, everybody’s got their thing
- behaviour
Your Cat’s Erratic Zoomies – Explained
Fast, furious and officially normal – according to a cat behaviourist
Fast, furious and officially normal – according to a cat behaviourist
- behaviour | Why, Cat?!
Why Is My Cat Hiding?
No, they’re not on the lam. Here are four reasons your cat might be MIA
No, they’re not on the lam. Here are four reasons your cat might be MIA
- behaviour
Mastering the Art of Litter Box Training: How to Train Cats to Use a Litter Box
If you do nothing else, teach your cat to poo in their litter box (and not in your shoe)
If you do nothing else, teach your cat to poo in their litter box (and not in your shoe)
Yes, but the fruit might not hold much a-peel
- nutrition | Can My Cat Eat This?
Can Cats Eat Strawberries?
Soon, they’ll be demanding you make this strawberry ice cream recipe on repeat
Soon, they’ll be demanding you make this strawberry ice cream recipe on repeat
- lifestyle
10 Questions to Ask a Rescue Centre About an Adoptable Cat
From medical history to adoption fees to litter preferences, here’s everything you need to know
From medical history to adoption fees to litter preferences, here’s everything you need to know
- lifestyle
10 Things to Consider Before Adopting a Pet
It’s a big decision, so tick these boxes before you sign on the dotted line
It’s a big decision, so tick these boxes before you sign on the dotted line
- nutrition | Can My Cat Eat This?
Can My Cat Safely Enjoy Watermelon?
Yes, the summertime staple is on the list of safe foods for cats
Yes, the summertime staple is on the list of safe foods for cats
- nutrition
How Much Should You Actually Be Feeding Your Cat?
If they’ve lost their hourglass figure, then not that much – according to a veterinary nutritionist
If they’ve lost their hourglass figure, then not that much – according to a veterinary nutritionist
- nutrition
The Ultimate Puzzle: Picking the Right Cat Food
Four veterinary nutritionists pick apart the claims, so that you can choose the right food for your kitty
Four veterinary nutritionists pick apart the claims, so that you can choose the right food for your kitty